I'm staying at a very cool backpacker here in Hervey Bay. It's called the Colonial Inn YHA, near the boat harbor. It's like a tropical resort, but cheap. The only thing I have against the place is the cacaphony of tropical birds that goes off like at 4AM, and continues for most of the morning. Yikes. I'm used to the silence of the ice, or at least the monotonous droning of the air handler through my dorm air vent. I might get some earplugs before I hit the sack tonight. http://www.herveybaycoloniallodge.com.au/
I took a whale watching cruise today, and got to ogle some breaching Humpback Whales. I gather that this is kind of the end of the whale-watching season. Mostly mothers with baby whales, which aren't too curious about tourist boats. Earlier in the spring (August), teenager whales come up from Antarctica, and they get quite cheeky with the whale watching boats, sometimes "spy hopping" up out of the water to check out the folks on deck. http://www.spiritofherveybay.com/
The mom-baby teams did some breaching and splashing, but stayed away from the boat. Still, it was definitely worth the trip. I'm glad I did the half-day, though. Eight hours of whale splashing might get a little tiresome.
Tomorrow: hiking Fraser Island.
Note: Humpback picture linked from http://bss.sfsu.edu/holzman/courses/Spring%2005%20projects/HumpbackWhale.htm
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